Friday 6 November 2015

Hotel Babylon Extract Jan 10.

Within this 5:36 clip of Hotel Babylon, there are a variety of camera shots which displays different emotions for the audience to feel, alongside the tension being created.
At the start of the clip (0:10) there is a double over the shoulder shot which puts empathises onto the middle charter portraying an important standing with that character. However, it clearly hows he has less power than those in the police uniform, almost trapping the manager of the hotel. As he is between the shoulders creates this claustrophobic atmosphere that the manager must be feeling.


Here is another camera angle from (0:11) which supports the point of the power these police officers. As it is a double mid shot, over the shoulder, it shows they are outnumbering the manager and trapping him from the door- with no escape. The fact that it's a mid shot is important because it shows that you don't need to have a close up to see emotion and to feel their power. Also the use of the mid shot works better because you can actually see how they are wearing police uniform- something you wouldn't be able to see if it were a close up.

During the changing of the scene, during 0:16-0:18, there is a dolly shot going from a mid shot to a close up. This suggests a foreshadow of the increase of importance of in this character. As a mid shot doesn't imply any power, yet a close up does, as you can see much more emotion of the character's face- this is important because it shows that her emotions need to be shown to the audience.

Comencing at 0:28, three men enter this building which seems to be a hotel, and the camera follows them across the room, yet stabilising with a close up view- starting with the face- showing no clear emotion on his face, again raising the question on why is this character important and what is his purpose? Yet you can still predict the high standing of this character because you can see other people following him in a sense creating the feeling of his powerful social standing.

At the time 34 seconds, another double over the shoulder shot occurs. yet this time it is someone else in-between- a worker of what seems like a reception to a hotel. This camera shot is important because the focus of the character is enclosed, as if she is going to be questioned/ trapped there. This portrays importance of the characters who are standing in front of her because they obviously hold much power/ dominance than her, or at this point in the clip they hope they do.

At 1:10 there is a very quick pace pan. This in its self creates tension because it's very fast the eyes quickly follow from character to character. The reason it's important in this moment in the clip because it raises questions, as if the heart is going as fast as the pan is going.

 At 1:20, there is a triple shot. Due to these characters clearly being insignificant, they don't have a single shot for them elf. This clearly suggests to the audience these are the immigrants the police were looking for, which is why the person in the suit is running very fast- trying to hide these workers. Clearly as they aren't meant to be there.
At 1:22, there is a long shot of the characters running. Yet there are bars across the frame, this suggests that these immigrants need to hide, or they would soon be behind bars, yet wouldn't be able to have the space for it to be a long shot, creating ironic foreshadowing.

At 1:36, there is a very fast over the head shoot, normally over the head shot suggests power- however as it's fast shows how she doesn't hold much power yet she holds more than those in the room in front of her.
There is direct contrast here, at 1:41, there is a extreme close up of a lady's worried face. This shows that even though there are many people in this small room, it is made clear to the audience by not only the atmosphere, yet the emotions felt by these people. Also this close up makes it clear to the audience of the direct contact to the door, as if scared it will open. This was made clear that she was looking at the door because of the 180 degree angle shown prior to this. As shown on the right, there is an extreme close up of the door handle, showing how the immigrants are being locked in.

At 1:45, there is a medium shot including lots of figures showing the insignificance of them, as even though they are all wearing different clothes, in the end they are all immigrants and in fear of being caught. The different eye contact here, whether they are looking down, at the door or at the ceiling, it suggests anxiety which is being felt being all of them.
At 1:48 there is yet another close up. The amount of close up just proves how tense this section of the clip is. As it's a close up you can clearly see the tension/stress in her face- especially via her eye contact.

There is another close shot and an high angle shot, yet the main focus isn't alone, there are hands all the way round the body. Even though at 2:09 there are clear stress being arisen and everyone is taking on the anxiety, they are still helping one another- especially this woman who has fainted from all the stress. This is also the first time since being in the room where they have taken their eyes off the door, this therefore suggests they have been distracted yet not from a good cause. The fact it's an high angle shot shows the lady on the floor is very vulnerable at this time.

At 2.28, there is a slight camera angle looking up, this suggests that for this moment in time this worker actually hold a small amount of power- if the camera was lower, it would suggest higher power.

Social standing is yet again portrayed at 2:51. This carries out a pull focus camera shot because at first it shows the focus of the men in the elevator but then it changes to the worker. For the three men this would be classed as a medium shot yet for the immigrant it is an extreme close up. This is because you can clearly see what they are wearing and the strong body language held by these men. Although this is clearly unimportant for the audience to know these things about the immigrant character because focus from these men are dead on this character- suggesting it's too late for him to be saved any way.

At 2:53, there is a close shot of the character which is important into showing the audience the emotion held by this scared worker. From 10 seconds before he was just doing his normal job, yet now is trapped by these men coming from what looks like the only exit for him- the elevator.

The image at 2:55 shows an over the shoulder shot which shows power as the men are getting a male worker (as you can almost see between their legs) for the male character who is watching them. As if he holds too much power to do so himself.
At 3:04, there is a pan shot, from the man in charge to the hoover- suggesting how he has won from his power because he just leaves the hoover all messy on the floor and almost looks down at it, because it is below him as clearly he has people to do things for him.

At 3.23, when there's a knock at the door, there is a looking down angle because what lies behind that door could not threaten not just all the workers but the women as well.

At 5:08, there is a use of a pan shot going from table to table with people talking ending with these two, the pan shot holds 180 degree shots because it makes it clear where the people are sat- opposite one another so then when they are talking after this- with close up framing- we know how they are sat.

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