Tuesday 5 January 2016

Barthes theory Luther

identify the character roles and describe them

Tesxts can be open and closed
 open is unravelled in a lot of different ways
closed are there is only one obvious thread to pull on

there are 5 codes
 Hermeneutic/enigma code- it refers to any element of the story that is not fully explained and hence becomes a mystery to the reader. trying to piece things together
proairetic/ action code- applies to any action that implies a further narrative action. For example, a gunslinger draws his gun on an adversary and we wonder what the resolution of this action will be.
semantic code- any element in a text that suggests a particular, often additional meaning by way of connotation.
symbolic code- this is typically done in the use of antithesis where new meaning arises out of opposing and conflict ideas.
referential code


At the beginning of episode one of Luther, we see a man standing on top of a building, looking out at the city. This a use of a panning shot, moving upwards, then towards the man. At this point there is a "dong" sound, such as those that are used in meditation, showing the calming atmosphere this man has on the roof top. This equilibrium supports todorov's theory that the beginning of a media text consists of equality/ is peaceful. Also, as the pan continues the sun light moves across, showing the light "at the end" sort of idea. This implies that even though this person may have lost someone in the prior series (as we see from the beginning extract from the video), he is beginning to see the light at the end and is slowly moving on. Although the calming sound only lasts 20 seconds when a police siren abruptly starts along with another character, saying "your wanted". A complete contrast to what could have been expected at the beginning equilibrium. When the scene changes from the roof top, to a man in the car then what seems to be his partner at home, the camera angle differs, it's almost as if someone is following the man, watching him in the car, then around the shop. This creates an eary sense leaving the audience wondering who it is that is following him. This unanswered question supports Barthes theory of having an enigma code, the perfect/ normal place for an enigma code is at the beginning because it leaves the audience wanting to continue watching. If there wasn't an enigma code at the beginning and everything was told right there and then, what would be the point on continue watching? The pigeon is the first death in this episode, although as
it is only 5 minutes in top an hour episode, it suggests this won't be the last- especially considering the mysterious tension which is starting to build up. Throughout the opening on the episode, mirrors are very highly used, from the interior mirror from the car, to the mirrors right by the doors. This use of reflection suggests that these people are not alone and they are being watched . This is because they aren't actually looking into the mirror themselves when it's filmed- almost as if the mirror isn't even there. This is important to creating this build up because it can be implied that the use of the mirror symbolizes the mysterious character. Barthes enigma code is continued through when the female sees the person who we were lead to believe was her partner, although when she sees him, her faces drops and she says "who are you". Thus confusing the audience. So who is this man then if not her partner? Why was he texting her if she didn't know him? An action code is quickly used, when this new mystery man pulls out a knife, we are left wondering the consequences and still left wondering who and why? Another action code which is in the drama is when Luther handcuffs George Cornilious to a radiator, later making him say "I cannot forgive you for this, therefore there is now a bounty on your head". This leaves us wondering whats going to happen to Luther?

Todorov's theory is about the different events dramas and films tend to follow. As seen above, there was equilibrium, although there is a disruption of the equilibrium when Luther is called back to the police force as a serial killer is on the lose. Also we see how his partner was killed. Even though there was only equilibrium for about a minute, it still shows the breaking of it. When detectors started to investigate, dead bodies began to unravel, showing missing body parts. This is the recognition of the disruption of the serial killer. Their attempt to repair this damage, began by trying to find all the victims bodies, then tracing them all back- trying to find this serial killer.

If you were to watch this episode, not knowing who was who and not knowing what was happening, it may be somewhat confusing. The characters are hard to "read" in this media text, this makes Propps theory hard to link in with this show. However, you can begin to work out who is who though, for example, John Luther, the character who the show is named after, appears to be the main character, yet it is still questioned whether he would be classed as a hero or instead an anti-hero as the narrative theory suggests.

When we first see the serial killers "den", there are photos of a man all over the wall, these are covered in blood. This is a symbolic code because blood and the colour red normally represent death. Thus making the audience think either this is the next victim or he is the serial killer.

20 minutes in we begin to discover a pattern with the mysterious killer/ the villain- what Propp would label this character. The victims are left with a body part missing. Why does he need them?

The next scene is followed by the camera moving around an apartment with photos on the wall, which look to be covered in blood, then slowly moving towards a man. On the floor we see glasses- perhaps the glasses the mysterious partner who wasn't her partner man was wearing? then slowly the camera goes up the body, the first time we actually see this person! The reveal. Perhaps if you were watching last series this would be a shock, although being someone who hadn't watched this before just makes me think "oh this must be the killer". Even thought he answer of who is found, the question of why is still left wondering...

Another action code happens. Although unlike before with the knife, the effect is different, this seems much more as a threat rather than an offense which is about to happen. We can tell this man isn't going to shoot this character, especially as it's Luther so he can't be killed off straight away seeing as it's basically his show. This shows how Barthes theory of the different codes of being able to unravel something isn't always one for tension, just to show a "power" of a character.

Finally, Todorov's theory shows how when the serial killer is killed himself, this is when the new equilibrium is presented. Although because this is a drama, it suggests the audience can expect a new disruption will occur.
Characters in related with Propps theory:

Luther: the hero/ main character

Name unknown: dispatcher 

The villain: Steven Roads

The helpers: Theo bloom and Emma

The donor: Megan

1 comment:

  1. Fern, here you have posted a very good analysis, well done.. I would ask you to correct for spelling/grammar i.e. detectors = detectives? and knife = gun? you might also mention stars theory of binary opposites where the battle between detectives and criminals is not as clear cut as the convention as Luther has some of the characteristics of an anti-hero and George Cornelius the criminal in a sense helps Luther towards the end to frame a female killer whose case was not proven in a previous incident.
