Tuesday 9 February 2016

Representation of age

Stereotypes of old age…
Sociological studies show that when older people appear in the media they tend to be portrayed in the following dimensions:
1) As Grumpy- conservative, stubbier, resistant to change.

How has Catherine Tate represented 'nan'?

  • Is she stereotypical?  
Yes because she is grumpy and a bit senile.
  • Why? 
As she is being very rude about her great-grand daughter and talking in a old sounding voice- not all old people speak in this way.
  • Look at her iconography.
She is wearing a stereotypical knitted jumper and a shirt with the slippers. 
  • What genre of programme does she exist in? How does this affect the representation? 
Comedy, this would have affected it as they would have twisted the view of these ages to get the laughs/ 

2) Older people are also portrayed as,
enjoying a second childhood- as reliving their adolescence and engaging in activities that they have always longed to do before they die.
Or just a bit cheeky.

3) Older people are also represented as pitied, dependent or an economic burden- helpless and dependent on other younger members of society or family- economic burden.

Positives- Active
long future ahead 

Negatives- Lazy 

Old people:
Positives- Wise
Well educated

Negatives- Weak
mentally incompetent 
not in control of their own bodies 
unwilling to try new things. 

Waterloo road: Camera, mise en scene, editing sound for representation of age
write a 700 wird Essay including a comparison of age representation (strauss) 
In what way do these representation conform 

Adults- protective, take control, in charge, calm, suit and ties, standing still keeping them all moving. brave, putting herself at risk 

Young: scared, screaming, helpless, uniforms, untidy, top button undone, "Not your wife anymore" "Im pregnant"  jumpers, hugging

Graffite on the wall

Same ages but uniform has more authority- police uniform/ fire 

Fade to black at the end

The clip of waterloo road which we watched portrays age by various ways. Through the editing camera, sound and the miss-en-scene. Even though there are not many different ages shown in the clip, it is still a very clear representation of age.

Firstly, when the alarm first goes off there is a far shot showing the teachers keeping the students moving through the corridors to leave the building. This is a representation of age because it shows how the teachers are in the power herding the younger alienated and dominate students. Also it is a good representation of age because it shows how those who are older are putting their life at risk by staying in a building which is on fire to make sure these children get out safety. This far shot also shows the students herding like sheep following each other. This represents how when necessary teenagers can be responsible and obey. Also the camera zooms on her face showing the panic. Even though they are not friends or related the teachers are still worried for the lives of the students. When there is a scene of a girl character trapped in a toilet by the fire. This camera shot was hand held. This is ironic because even though she is alone in the toilet, the hand held camera implies someone is watching her- when they are not. The use of a close up of a hand on a window shows how these students are helpless and trapped. This is a representation of age because it creates a negative stereotype that when students are alone they are helpless and cannot do anything. Yet this is contrasted by the fact there is a teacher with them (when they are trapped at the door as it is locked) and she is the one who is passed out, the students are the ones trying to get them out- making it seem like the older generation is the helpless one (in this instance anyway).

The sound form the beginning helps the representation of age. This is because the tone of voice and the words the teachers say convey how calm and together the teachers are begin to help protect these terrified students. For example, the head teacher says "Go, Just Go" and "Right just go in the car park, Quick Quick" These commands show how she has the power and the students just mindlessly obey to her. The tone she says this in is very stern and powerful, this represents how adults hold more power over students. Also the teachers kept saying things such as "Quick the exit is straight ahead", this is quite patronising as it implies the students do not know where they are going even though they spend all day 5 days a week in that place, so it would be very likely for them to know where they were mean to be going- yet the teachers still say this- perhaps this is their panicking just shown in a different way when compared with the students. On the other hand, the tone of voice from the students is very informal- they don't feel the need to talk proper- seeing as they are scared it wouldn't matter too much. Saying words such as "Oi" suggest this panic because they are saying it to a teacher which they shouldn't/ wouldn't be saying to her if they were not scared. Additionally the student saying "I'M PREGNANT", this is a very negative and common stereotypes against female teenagers. This therefore  represents teenagers to be reckless. 

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