Wednesday 17 May 2017

Audiences and institutions Quiz.

1.     In the film industry what is
·      Production- this refers to the creation of the media product- the pre production 1
·      distribution, This is how the media product gets out to the audience 1
·      marketing- The raising awareness of the film by drawing in the target audience, this can be through different social media platforms such as twitter and sharing teasers or just adverts. 1
·      exchange  ?  (4pts)

2.     Discuss the meaning of the following terminologies
·      Synergy   (1)
·      A synergy is the combination of non-media and media products, for example the combination of films and merchandise- The Lion King and toys.  1

·      Conglomerate (1)
The bigger companies in the film industries who dominate this industry, they tend to create feature films (lasting over 80mins) and are known worldwide, for example Disney, WarnerBros, 20th Century. They Buy other companies to make a new company- Disney Buying Pixar, Marvel, combined to make a whole.

·      Cross media convergence (1)
·      The combination of two or more different media products used to help distribute and market a media product. For example the Disney film Moana was helped marketed through the release of the song “How far I will go” (1)

·      Vertical & Horizontal integrated institute  (2)
·      Vertical integrated institution is the where different parts of the product are by different institutions, for example saving Mr Banks is an example of this because it was Produced by BBC Films yet was Distributed by Walt Disney Studios. Horizontal integrated insitions on the other hand is where the whole process of the media product takes places within that one group, for example Disney films such as Tangled were both produced and distributed by the Walt Disney Studios Other way around!!!!!

·      Marketing (1)
·      This is the raising awareness of the film by drawing in he target audience, this can be through different social media platforms such as twitter or having adverts on TV/ before Youtube videos.

·      Distribution (1)
This refers to how the media product actually gets to the audience.

·      Exhibition (1)
This is how the media product is viewed, this can be through the use of Cinemas, Film Festivals or Youtube through the use of Piracy.
3.      Discuss why the media industry is dominated by a few media conglomerates,

·      what are they called, (1)
·      what is their impact on the industry as a whole (1)
As they are the companies who are much more well known, they are able to take much greater risks when it comes to the creation of a film, being able to afford a much higher budget as the target audience is known in comparision to a film created by an independent group
·      list at least 3 of theses conglomerates (1)
Disney, 20th Century fox, Warner Bros

4.     What is an independant film company  (1)
·      Identify at least one independent PRODUCTIONCOMPANY
An indie film company is a much lesser known company in the film industry who are less able to take risks through having a higher budget as they wouldn’t be able to spend as much on the technology to create a film.
BBC Films is an example of an indie company

5.     Provide  AT LEAST  two examples of  (media) synergy for the film industry (2)
Disney’s Lion King and teddies
Monster’s Inc  and toys- Boo dolls
6.      Provide an example of vertical integration  (1)
Saving Mr Banks

7.     Provide an example of horizontal integration (1)

8.     Discuss the advantages of economies of scale through horizontal and vertical integration.    
 When using horizontal integration it is much cheaper for the company as they do not need to pay out any extent as they have what is needed- Disney can use different companies which they have bought over the years including Pixar and Marvel to be able to form a film in different categories.
  Vertical integration can also be useful in terms of the economies because it means that companies that have an already known target audience can build a bigger one together- with the example of Saving Mr Banks, BBC Films is a British known company so has these viewers, then this can be combined with the viewers of Disney to extend their audience count.

 (2) points for two answers. 

9.     Why are Block busters becoming increasingly important within the film industry.

(2) points for two answers.

1.     what is a mega franchise  (1)
A mega Franchise is the creation of a series of films steamed from one original standing film- the avengers is an example of a mega franchise because it stands as a film alone though the characters involved in the film each have their own film providing their perspective. They are becoming increasingly important within the film industry because it is a much more easier way to gain a bigger profit and to create a loyal audience.
·      Why are they becoming increasingly important within the film industry.   (1)
·      Provide an example of a mega-franchise (1)

2.     What is cross media convergence. (1)
The combination of two or more different media products used to help distribute and market a media product
·      Provide at least two examples of cross media convergence. (2)
One example of a cross media convergence is Moana and the song How far I will go
Another example is the 2017 Live action Beauty and the Beast with the song “Beauty and the Beast” by Ariana Grande and John Legend.

3.     Identify at LEAST  3 examples of technological development linked to the film industry. (3)
One Technological development is the IMAX
Another is Viewing platforms including Netflix and Youtube
Another is the Technology of CGI

4.     Discuss why IMAX cinemas are increasingly important in securing revenue for the cinema industry. 

·      (2) points for two answers.

5.     Discuss why cinema viewing numbers have declined
Viewings have declined due to the lack of convince that it has in today’s society, it is much more easier to watch a film in the comfort of your own home use Netflix or Sky on Demand for example. More over the numbers have declined because of the cost of going to the cinema- including the petrol getting there, the buy of the tickets and then the food and drinks it can cost a substainal amount now to take your family to the cinema as opposed to just staying at home and watching them in your own home.

·      (2) points for two answers.

6.     Discuss what the film industry are doing to address falling box office attendance and revenue.

·      (2) points for two answers.

7.     What is Piracy? (1)
Piracy is the illegally sourced films which are sold, for example created through the filming for the media product in the cinema.

8.     How is Piracy effecting the film industry? (1)
It is negatively effecting the film industry because it is costing the box office millions of dollars each year as people can source the films much cheaper to watch at home as opposed to pay for a ticket at the cinema.

·      (2) points for two answers.

9.     From your own experience and knowledge, of the film industry, What factors are resulting in an increase in Piracy.
The increase in digital technology- it is easier to film a much clearer image on much smaller devices that can be hidden in the cinema.
 But also the increase in technological knowledge that people can find it easier to copy DVDS,
·      (2) points for two answers.

10. What is technological convergence? (1)
This is the development of technology in terms of the jobs that a single device can do- a phone has the preliminary tasks of phones and texts but as technology has developed phones are becoming devices that can also access the media through a wide range of social media apps, it can record sound, you can listen to music on it, you can film videos and take photos.

11. Describe why you think technological convergence is a threat or advantage to the film industry and film makers.  (2)
I believe technological convergence is a threat to the film industry because it is making it much easier for small film companies (indies) to make better products acting as a competition, for example the film Tangerine was film completely on a 5s so the budget was quite low although the profit made was much higher.

12. What is proliferation (1)

13. From your case studies, discuss how ancillary sales is important for revenue income in the media industry. (1)

·      Provide two examples of ancillary sales (2)
14. Discuss the way in which Ill Manors was marketed.
It was marketed through the use of Plan B’s album.
·      (2) points for two answers.

15. Discuss the way in which Star wars was marketed .
It was marketed through the use of ESPN showing an advert in the break of the Superbowl.
·      (2) points for two answers.

Maximum marks (56)

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