Friday 9 October 2015

Eastenders analysis, extra.

On the episode of eastenders on the 17th september 2015, it starts with one of the characters in a hospital bed, holding her new born baby, showing it to her family. The next clip was then a family talking about one of the sons and that he isn't well. This is also followed by one of a sisters partner speaking about her cheating. Even from the first 3 minutes of this clip, lots of drama has already occurred and been told to the audience. the contrast between the girl having a baby yet talking about their father who's in court for murder, her starting life and their father supposedly ending a life. Further on in the programme there is a woman who is being questions/ giving a statement, this shows how the storyline of this episode is very confusing as it shows a various number of events, lying, new birth, questioning. The reason behind this would be to portray real life as if you look st several people, they are all going through different event. This shows verisimilitude as each day different events happen to different people. Everyday many children are born and sadly many people die and like this episode shows, most are unfortunately lied to or lie to someone else.

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