Tuesday 6 October 2015

EastEnders Textual Analysis.

Eastenders is a very popular and well know SOAP. Within the video clip of "Representation of Age-Eastenders" it conveys a very clear informal tone within this family dinner. This informal tone is portrayed through a various ways, including the language- both verbal and non-verbal. An example of this informality is the way in which the people were sitting around the table, they weren't sat up straight, they were sort of slouching, even though this is simple, it clearly suggests the atmosphere which the BBC are attempting to create. They were also, especially the teenagers/ younger people included, speaking in slang, showing the stereotypical teenager- as if because she was a teenager she wasn't allowed to show an interest in the past, she should be paying interest in something else, perhaps beauty- she also clearly couldn't speak proper, although why would she if she was just with her family- everyone speaks improper when with their family. The reason the BBC would have done this would have been to create a more realistic piece of drama. The story line of the main characters history makes it's easier to portray sterotypes not just of teenagers but of the older man himself. This realistic piece of the SOAP makes a clear judgement upon these characters involved, making it rather clear that the target audience of this piece is ages 16 and above because younger than this children wouldn't be interested in a TV drama in this category, maybe perhaps a comedy drama instead. Notwithstanding this, this clip of Eastenders may result in some viewers gaining the view that all people like "Patrick" (the main character) Will just drink and looks for girls with is a negative stereotype and incorrect because obviously not everyone would be like this. Another Stereotype which is convey across this clip was that everyone has a knowledge of their own personal history, even if this is correctly true it is still a positive stereotype, There is also the view that family (even though not by blood family) all sit around a table for dinner which sits alongside positive stereotypical families. 

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