Tuesday 3 May 2016


Definition- A person's sexual orientation or preference.

The stereotypes…
Heterosexual male= tough, protector and leaders. They are usually higher in society as Strauss's idea of dominant figures state the men who are around their 40's who have high paying jobs dominate in the general public.
Heterosexual woman= Weak, girly, feminine, damsel-like and emotional. Strauss's idea of binary opposites is evident as they are typically seen as subordinate figures.

Branston and strafford- Soaps rely on archetypal characters and stereotypes- ensures ready accessibility because stories have universal appeal about families and communities.
Stereotypes depend on shared cultural knowledge- some part of the stereotype must ring true.
Stereotypes are always about power: those with power stereotype those with less power (Dyer).

Homosexual male= Camp, girly, promiscuous, feminine looking clothes and loud.
Homosexual female= Butch, feminist, short hair and hate men.

Homosexual males=
Portrayed as overly effeminate.
There can be the belief that all gay men desire to be women or are feminine
Gay characters are condemned to a life alone without children
Mothers regret being too close to their sons, thinking that is what "made" them gay
The idea is that its just a phase
Drifting from one sexual liaison (relation) to another, they end up old and alone
Gay men are only concerned with sex
Gay men are flamboyant, feminine characters, have camp mannerisms
Represented as often feared, pitted or being the subject of laughter
Gay men do professions like fashions, material design and hair styling
Gay men are often depicted as suffering family rejection
Speak with a lisp

Homosexual females:
Gay women are portrayed as overly masculine
Often represented to be aggressive and mouthy

The street- Analysis

  • Eye-line match- Showing the sight between the people in the strip club
  • Jump cut- to them in the car talking about  them being "soft"- the stereotypical
  • Jump cuts- showing the surroundings of the gay club
  • Shot duration- Quick- short takes- focusing of sexual relations- Kissing or thrusting
  • Dark- "Not associated with the norm"

  • Hand held group shot- On a building site- contradicting the stereotype of "Camp" men when they are homosexual. 
  • Double shot- conversation between two builders- "well don't you fancy a pint?" 
  • Jump shots- Between the people in the club- Those kissing each other to those dancing intimately together and then the strippers on the side. 
  • Eye-line shot- showing what the man is looking at- the stripper.


  • Hand held- can show the confusing they may feel- going wiht the stereotypical view of "It's just a phase"
  • Over the shoulder- Clearly showing the outfit of the builder- He looks tough "macho" a contrast on the stereotype
  • Far shot- Filmed behind a pint pourer-  "Pint of larger please" contrast of stereotype- a pint is claimed as a tough man drink.


  • Hand held-Showing lots of confusion and the people around them in the strip club- covering the camera every so often, showing the people is almost distressed
  • Pan down on a male strip dancer- straight away displaying a gay club vibe.

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